Facial Recognition

Highlighted Features

Fast and Accurate

Identify and match individuals in under 100 milliseconds – offering unparalleled speed and accuracy.

Real-Time Detection

Automated watchlist detection on live video feeds tracks known threats, employees, VIPs, and more.

Secure and Private

Bank-level encryption with privacy-centric design principles and customizable data retention option.

Match faces in live video against watchlists to enable rapid identification and response to individuals of interest, ensuring swift and accurate real-time intervention.

Facial Recognition-Driven Safety and Security

Fast &


Detect and match a face in a live video feed in under 100 milliseconds — 3-5 times faster than competing facial recognition algorithms with extreme accuracy rates.



Live video overlays automatically identify anyone on custom or third-party watchlists as they appear on video feeds. Track known threats, employees, VIPs and more.



Instantly alert security when individuals of interest enter or exit. Configure automated responses to detection and recognition events with ease.

Secure &


Leveraging bank-level encryption on all face signatures and images in transit or at rest. Built with privacy by design principles, configurable data retention settings and opt-in/opt-out lists.

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